El Dilema de la Dualidad Energética: un análisis de funciones energéticas homotéticas a través del enfoque de Teoría de Juegos


  • Maximiliano F. Camarda Comisión de Eficiencia Energética del Comité de Energías Córdoba (CEC)/ Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad (CIECS) - CONICET y UNC, Córdoba, Argentina.


energy efficiency, game of theory, energy duality, homothetic functions, energy homothetic, sustainable economic development


For centuries the anthropogenic activities of the industrial sectors have been increasing the levels of global warming on Planet Earth. A public policy approach to the rational and efficient use of energy is essential to extend the energy transition that will allow us to move towards a sustainable humanity.

The Dilemma of Energy Duality raises controversies regarding the genuine effectiveness of an Energy Efficiency Program and the real specific possibilities of energy saving. The analysis of homothetic functions allows establishing an energy saving function and as a complement, a possible energy dissaving function associated.

 However, the dynamics of energy duality and its effects on energy saving levels and greenhouse gas emissions do not follow a linear behavior and its impact is conditioned by the elasticity of energy duality.

From this perspective, the mechanisms of Game of Theory provide us with the possibility of approaching energy duality in a context of collective energy reciprocity.

Conclusions show that the effectiveness in the design stage, implementation and control of an energy efficiency program is decisive in maximizing the expected energy performance.


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How to Cite

El Dilema de la Dualidad Energética: un análisis de funciones energéticas homotéticas a través del enfoque de Teoría de Juegos. (2021). Revista De La Escuela De Perfeccionamiento En Investigación Operativa, 29(49). https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/epio/article/view/33198