Marco multimetodológico para el diseño e implementación de una intervención sistémica


  • María A. Castellini Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología Informática - Universidad de Belgrano. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Alberto Paucar-Cáceres Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester, Reino Unido


IO Soft, IO Hard, problem structuring methods, multimethodology, management systems, systemic intervention


Based on the Mingers’s framework for mapping Operations Research (OR) methodologies/methods/techniques and its three notional systems, this article presents an improved systems framework for the design and implementation of an intervention in a textile SME in the Northwest of Argentina. It reports on the challenges of using notional systems in a real world. The project team worked with actors from different levels of an SME to discuss possible proposals and facilitate action, through organizational management processes. Using the Mingers multi-methodology map, an initial range of soft/hard OR methodologies and management system (MS) tools were selected. The corroboration of the adequacy of the initial design and the selection of the implemented methods was achieved by reflecting on the questions that arise from the relationships between the three notional systems. The set of results/recommendations of the intervention produced was adopted by the SME, suggesting that the proposed improved framework aids the design and feasibility/sustainability of a multi-method intervention. This article contributes to the debate on method mix in OR practice by proposing a novel framework and reporting the results of a real-world application.


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How to Cite

Marco multimetodológico para el diseño e implementación de una intervención sistémica . (2022). Revista De La Escuela De Perfeccionamiento En Investigación Operativa, 30(51).