Discusión de la teoría económica y su aplicación en modelos multidisciplinarios energéticos

Parte 1: Introducción a los métodos de decisión difusos


  • Federico G. Camargo UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.
  • Esteban Sarroca UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Omar Faure UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Félix D.  Argañaraz UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • José A. Cabana UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Claudio Karam UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Gonzalo Sosa UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Yolando R. Romero UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Vicente Calbo UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  
  • Eduardo A. Perez UTN – Facultad Regional La Roja, Facultad Regional de Concepción del Uruguay, Facultad Regional de Concordia – Argentina.  


multi-objective problem, fuzzy decision theory, externality, economic valuation, intrinsic value


This paper deals with introductory aspects of fuzzy decision theory: law of supply and demand, market and its limitations (externalities) with the solutions proposed in theory and practice to solve them (tolls). Within these limitations (still under discussion), the concept of uncertainty is introduced, an aspect that hinders an optimal decision making of the participating individuals based on current economic theories that are based on the full certainty of the economic context. Therefore, decision theory and its extension to fuzzy decision theory, which is applicable in contexts of uncertainty, are introduced. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its link with fuzzy decision models by means of exponential weights are presented. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to define a methodology for optimal evaluation, valuation and regulation, in contexts of fundamental uncertainty, determining the optimal reward or punishment, based on non-monetizable indexes (directly translatable to an equivalent economic cost). From there, an experimental index is defined, which is used in the present line of research, the Intrinsic Cost (IC).


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Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Discusión de la teoría económica y su aplicación en modelos multidisciplinarios energéticos : Parte 1: Introducción a los métodos de decisión difusos. (2023). Revista De La Escuela De Perfeccionamiento En Investigación Operativa, 31(53). https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/epio/article/view/41269