Diseño de cuadro de mando integral con Power Bi para empresa distribuidora de bebidas


  • Alejandra M. Esteban Facultad De Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional De Mar Del Plata. Mar Del Plata, Argentina.
  • Claudia N. Zárate Facultad De Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional De Mar Del Plata. Mar Del Plata, Argentina.
  • Valentina Machinandiarena Facultad De Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional De Mar Del Plata. Mar Del Plata, Argentina.


cuadro de mando integral, distribución de bebidas, inteligencia de negocios, Power Bi


Supply chain management must integrate all activities to achieve a competitive advantage and increase the effectiveness of the organizations that comprise it. For this, it is essential to be able to measure performance through indicators that facilitate transparent and open communication, promoting cooperative work. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a management tool used to implement the business strategy based on a series of indicators, allowing permanent control that relates the organization's strategic objectives with specific action plans. The CMSA company is a beverage distributor. You currently analyze your operational processes with dashboards that are visually unappealing and with many indicators at the same level. In this work, two objectives were set: to design a CMI to measure its critical processes and to use Power BI, a business intelligence tool, to improve the visual communication of said dashboard. Based on the survey of the processes and interviews with the different actors, a set of indicators was selected that guarantee compliance with the organization's strategy and their real-time calculation generated by Power Bi allowed for more focused decision making.


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Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Diseño de cuadro de mando integral con Power Bi para empresa distribuidora de bebidas . (2023). Revista De La Escuela De Perfeccionamiento En Investigación Operativa, 31(54). https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/epio/article/view/43358