Autonomous legal obligation

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Leandro S. Ríos


This paper conducts an analysis of the various aspects of autonomous legal obligation (OLA) in the Argentinean legal system, focusing on mandatory civil liability insurance for motor vehicles and/or trailers, as well as civil liability insurance for public passenger transport. Taking into account the legal requirements, extrajudicial reimbursement processes, and judicial measures, it also assesses the constitutionality of the limits imposed on this obligation by the National Insurance Superintendence. The study concludes by highlighting key aspects and providing claim forms to facilitate practical implementation.

Article Details

Doctrina Nacional
Author Biography

Leandro S. Ríos, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Abogado (UNC). Maestrando en la Maestría de Derecho Procesal (UES21). Adscripto de Derecho Privado VII -Derecho de Daños- (UNC)


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