Protection of cultural and historical heritage from the preventive function of damage

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Jorge A. Vénica


The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize cultural and historical heritage, both materially and legally, based on the notions provided by the sources of current law. Once its nature as a collective good has been established, to address the issue of its protection based on the preventive function of tort law according to the rules and principles included in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, in conjunction with the National Constitution, treaties and special laws.

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Protection of cultural and historical heritage from the preventive function of damage. (2023). Estudios Del Centro, 1(1), 116-143.
Doctrina Nacional
Author Biography

Jorge A. Vénica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Abogado (UNC). Adscripto Derecho Privado VII -Derecho de Daños- (UNC)

How to Cite

Protection of cultural and historical heritage from the preventive function of damage. (2023). Estudios Del Centro, 1(1), 116-143.


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