Las costas en el juicio de daños y perjuicios en la Provincia de Córdoba.
Main Article Content
The present work aims to analyze the institute of judicial costs and the particularities that it presents in the damages trial, in light of the applicable law. First, the basic notions are provided. Next, it is done a brief historical review. Then the foundations of the institution are examined, its typical notes, content and scope. From there, the general principles are analyzed applicable in our procedural system and its exceptions. Later, we examine the more problematic cases relating to costs in damages proceedings. To the being such a broad subject, an exhaustive study would require a much longer extension. Greater, for that reason, the analysis has been limited to the general rule and its exceptions, in order to provide depth to what was discussed. The objective has been to return to the root of the institute, in order to provide clarity, when judging specific cases that concern daily to legal operators.
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