What do Jacques Lacan and Jon Draper have in common?
Symptom, era, enjoyment, TV seriesAbstract
One as much as the other, both Freud and Lacan knew how to recognize and adapt their studies to the challenges that the clinical experience presented, as while they studied and developed their theoretical work the century kept on changing. As psychoanalists we are always witnesses of such changes, we see that the ladies’ illnesses from Victorian times that sought help from Freud have not much in common to most frequent demands at present. Therefore, we acknowledge that clinic has changed because subjectivity has changed as well. Thus, it is convenient to recognize that the ways in which the topics of current times are represented and fictionalized have also changed. Amongst these new ways of representation, we find TV series in a privileged position. This article, based on the Mad Men series, picks up on some characteristics of contemporary clinic that Lacan had already shed light on in his teachingReferences
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