Praising the mother
Mother, Woman, Decline of paternal function, Desire, JouissanceAbstract
The present text is an analysis about the maternal position, from the film La tía Tula (Picazo, 1964), a film based on the novel by the Spanish writer Miguel de Unamuno. As the author puts it, woman and mother can coexist in different proportions in each woman or present themselves as excluding, both in the Freudian times and nowadays. Are we in front of a new symptom of the declination of father function? From our psychoanalytic practice we stumble every day upon clinical phenomena that show us how difficult is for a subject an excessive attachment to his parents, particularly to the mother.References
Freud, S. (1931 [1976])). Sobre la sexualidad femenina. Obras Completas. Vol. XXI. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
De Unamuno, M. (1921 [2001]). La Tía Tula. Madrid: Editorial Espasa.
Lacan, J., (1972-1973 [2007]) “Aún” en El Seminario de Jacques Lacan. Libro 20. Buenos Aires: Paidós.
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