Garbo laughs!


  • Daniela Fernández Instituto Clínico de Buenos Aires



Female jouissance, Father, Communism, Capitalsm, Not-all Lacanian


This article works from the movie Ninotchka (1939), by the duo Lubitsch-Wilder, starring Greta Garbo. The purpose of this article is to elaborate the articulation between love for the father and the Lacanian logical category of not-all based on the aforementioned film. Ninotchka´s lesson is that the failure in the paternal regime is not introduced by capitalist temptations, but rather by the Lacanian feminine. In addition, it distinguishes between the liberation of women and their “liberalization”. The great finding of the film lies in the invention of a way of expressing the feminine jouissance impossible to say, through Garbo´s unbridled laughter that produced one of the mythical scenes of Hollywood cinema.


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Franklin, S., Lubitsch, E. (productores) y Lubitsch, E. (director). (1939). Ninotchka [Cinta cinematográfica]. EU.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

Lacan, J. (1972-1973). Aún. El seminario de Jacques Lacan. Libro 20. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

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