Blade Runner 2049. Year of "miracle"
Humanity, Human Rights, Cinematography, Blade RunnerAbstract
In the year of the "miracle", the birth of a replicant, we reflect on the implications of the present or future in which humanity coexists with entities that replicate its own humanity. This event is discussed with philosophical overtones in the film Blade Runner 2049. From this, we reflect on the properties or fundamental elements of the conception of humanity from which the film is based. We follow this line towards critical questions: what makes humans human, is birth a condition for humanity, who is more human? From the perspective of human rights, we speculate on a possible scenario in which their ownership and protection would be recognized in favor of the replicants. We list some of them and address each one separately, taking into account the scope and the factual, ethical and legal problems that the subject allows us.
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