Fictional and Real Cyborgs: Notes on Literature, Cinema, Technoscience, and Psychoanalysis


  • Claudia Suárez



Ciborgs, Literature, Cinema, Technoscience, Psychoanalysis


This article provides examples of "fictional cyborgs" in science fiction literature and film and highlights some psychological effects. It also recovers testimonies of “real cyborgs” from the documentary Cyborgs among us (Duran, 2017), and points out processes of identification and idealization. Add notes on: - the historical development of technoscience, - ethical issues in technological advances. The tour ends with the concepts of body, social bond and discourse according to psychoanalysis and brief considerations on its ethics.


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How to Cite

Fictional and Real Cyborgs: Notes on Literature, Cinema, Technoscience, and Psychoanalysis. (2022). Ética Y Cine Journal, 12(2), 45-54.