Of Gods and Men. The Representation of the Osho Phenomenon in Wild Wild Country (2018)
Osho, Religion, Series, Analysis, Netflix, RajneeshpuramAbstract
Wild Wild Country is a Netflix miniseries that tries to reconstruct the his-tory of the Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajnees (Osho), his assistant Ma Anand Sheela, and his Rajneeshpuram community located in Wasco County in Oregon. The work presents a compilation of archival materials that are interspersed with interviews carried out in the present to some of the main protagonists of all the parties involved: Osho followers, US jus-tice officials, and inhabitants of the town of Antelope. To this plurality of versions is added the distance that the responsible filmmakers put to-wards the work (for example omitting the use of voiceover) in order to achieve a result free from external interference. However, despite these facts, the hypothesis that the article tries to prove is that far from generat-ing an objective analysis that investigates the events from different per-spectives, an audiovisual show is estab-lished that elaborates a critical discourse with the religious phenomenon through various film resources: the editing, the animation, the set-list, and the special effects.
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