Curricular Innovations in University Extension


  • Andrea Claudia Maino Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Aníbal Gerardo Díaz Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Curricular design, Activation of previous knowledge, Teamwork, Portfolios


University Outreach, conceived as a multidimensional field in which teachers, students and the community work collaboratively, challenges and constantly stresses the teaching practice.

Social Odontology III of the Dentistry course of studies at the National University of Rosario is a subject that encompasses theoretical classes and practical work.

The practical work is organized by applying a program of oral health promotion in public and private schools in the city of Rosario. In this way, outreach practices are incorporated into the curriculum of undergraduate degree programs.

The present article describes pedagogical innovations carried out as part of the practical work during the years 2016-2017 with the aim of improving teaching practices from active educational paradigms, coherent with the present times in relation to the appropriation of knowledge and respecting generational aspects that students who take the course experience. The pedagogical strategies focused on the activation of previous knowledge, grouping into work teams, the use of portfolios and the reorganization of the follow-up stage of the program.

The pedagogical experience resulted in meaningful learning for all the participants involved in the program. The goal is to continue working in this area, to evaluate these changes and to reflect upon our teaching task critically.


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