An Intersectoral Approach to Occupational Health and Safety


  • Paula del Rio Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Paula Curetti Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Leonardo Bitti Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Society, University, Construction, Outreach, Dialogic relationship


The social function of university is based on the relationship between teaching, research and community outreach. Extension policy, which is part of education policy, should aim at meeting the demands of a complex and globalized society in the collaborative construction of knowledge and its extension. It is essential that there is a dialogical, communicational and dynamic relationship between both. The relationships between university and society involve their organizations and institutions, as well as different types of appraisal around university, knowledge and the relationship established between it and the different sectors of society involved. It is worth mentioning that the notion of university outreach is closely related to how university defines itself and how it conceives its relationship with society. The analysis of these characteristic components makes it possible to visualize the different levels and directions assumed by the university-society interaction. All this entails the need for participating teachers with ethical and social commitment to build bridges between both institutions as a whole, enriching the dialogue and knowledge exchange. In our view, the classroom is the most appropriate place to generate the deepest and more meaningful actions regarding university-community engagement, it being a relevant and necessary process. We consider that the classroom constitutes the genesis, the first space for building up the dialogic relationship and the community outreach function.


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