Healthy nutrition


  • Maribel Coseano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Nancy Sánchez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias
  • Gabriel Saal Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias


curricuralization, practices, extension, primary schools, Unquillo


This article offers an account of an experience and practice of university extension in schools of the Sierras Chicas from Córdoba, Argentina, which were conducted as part of the project “Agroecological Territorial Development and Food Sovereignty. Strengthening of the production, commercialization and responsible consumption” subsidized SEU UNC 2018-2020. The objective was to reflect on the importance of students’ extension practices during their academic journey within the framework of our extension practice. The methodology involved reflective problematization and active participation in each meeting and proposed activity, promoting both the exchange of knowledge in horizontal communication tasks and the collective construction of knowledge. Students from the School of Agricultural Sciences and the School of Philosophy and Humanities participated in the experience. Achievements: concerted work with the Unquillo Agroecological Serrana Fair, Native Forests Project of the Ministry of Education of the province, park rangers reserve the Quebrachitos, Alberdi and Vélez Sársfield primary schools in Unquillo; the incorporation in the school curriculum of the right to food from the agroecological perspective taking the school garden as a device of food sovereignty and community development and, as a positive consequence of that, the submission of a proposal for a project by the Anthropology students with the scholarship program for extension projects SEU, UNC.


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Experiencias y prácticas en extensión