Key and Illustrated Guide to the Genera of Graphidaceae


  • Robert Lücking Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496, USA
  • Eimy Rivas Plata Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496, USA. Biological Science Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607, USA


Ascomycota, GLAL (Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos), Lecanoromycetes, Ostropales


An updated key and illustrated guide to the genera of Graphidaceae sensu lato bearing lirelate ascomata is presented, including genera previously assigned to the family Thelotremataceae. The following 30 genera with at least partially lirelate apothecia are recognised: Acanthothecis Clem., Anomalographis Kalb, Anomomorpha Nyl., Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb, Chapsa A. Massal., Chroodiscus (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg., Diorygma Eschw., Dyplolabia A. Massal., Fissurina Fée, Glyphis Ach., Graphis Adans., Gymnographopsis C. W. Dodge, Hemithecium Trevis., Kalbographa Lücking, Leiorreuma Eschw., Melanotrema A. Frisch, Pallidogramme Staiger, Kalb & Lücking, Phaeographis Müll. Arg., Phaeographopsis Sipman, Platygramme Fée, Platythecium Staiger, Redingeria A. Frisch, Reimnitzia Kalb, Sarcographa Fée, Sarcographina Müll. Arg., Schistophoron Stirt., Stegobolus Mont., Thalloloma Trevis., Thecaria Fée and Thecographa A. Massal. For each of the graphidoid genera a brief description and discussion is given.







How to Cite

Key and Illustrated Guide to the Genera of Graphidaceae. (2008). Glalia. Revista electrónica Del Grupo Latinoamericano De Liquenólogos, 1(1), 1-39.