The affective turn and the visual turn: an indisciplined encounter

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Mariela Solana


The book compiled by Irene Depetris Chauvin and Natalia Taccetta is situated at the intersection between the emotional turn and visual studies in order to reflect on the way images allow us to come into contact with the past. In the opening statements, written by the two compilers, they explain why they chose to place themselves between these two theoretical frameworks. The affective turn, according to Depetris Chauvin and Taccetta's account, arises from a general dissatisfaction with the linguistic turn and the deconstructionist perspective.


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How to Cite
Solana, M. (2020). The affective turn and the visual turn: an indisciplined encounter. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1-6.
Author Biography

Mariela Solana, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jaureche - UBA - CONICET

Mariela Solana has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and a Licentiate’s degree and a teaching degree in Philosophy from the same university. She is currently an assistant researcher at CONICET (Research Institute of Gender Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, UBA) and is dedicated to studying the relationship between affect, language and corporality in feminist and queer studies. She is Head of Practical Works in the subject Cultural Practices at the Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ). She was a Fulbright-Ministry of Education grant holder as well as a doctoral and postdoctoral CONICET grant holder. She published articles in different specialized journals such as Mora, La Ventana, Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política, Daimon, Tópicos, Afuera, Historia da historiografía, among others. She is the author of the book La noción de subversión en Judith Butler (Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2017). She edited, along with Cecilia Macón, the book Pretérito indefinido. Afectos y emociones en las aproximaciones al pasado (Buenos Aires: Title, 2015). She is part of the research team SEGAP (Seminar on Gender, Affects and Politics) at UBA and is part of the Gender Studies Program of the UNAJ.

How to Cite

Solana, M. (2020). The affective turn and the visual turn: an indisciplined encounter. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1-6.


Depetris Chauvin, I. y Taccetta, N. (Comps). (2019). Afectos, historia y cultura visual. Una aproximación indisciplinada. Buenos Aires: Prometeo libros.