Las aventuras de la crítica

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Silvio Mattoni


About Surghi, Carlos. The negative adventure. Literature, essay, criticismAbout Surghi, Carlos. The negative adventure. Literature, essay, criticism


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Article Details

How to Cite
Mattoni, S. (2021). Las aventuras de la crítica. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1-6.
Author Biography

Silvio Mattoni

Silvio Mattoni (Córdoba, 1969). D. in Letters from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba, where he is Professor of Aesthetics. Independent Researcher of the Conicet. He published the essays: Koré (2000), El cuenco de plata (2003), El presente (2008), Bataille. Una introducción (2011), Camino de agua (2013), Muerte, alma, naturaleza y yo (2014), Música rota (2015), Tekhné (2018) and ¿Qué hay en escribir? (2021). And more than fifteen books of poetry, most recently: Male Hairdresser (2013), The Ink Giant (2016), Photo Box (2016), Tanatocresis (2018) and Good Luck (2020). His diary Campus was published in 2014. He translated books by Bataille, Bonnefoy, Catullus, Pavese, Duras, Michaux, Ponge, Quignard, Marteau, Valéry, Mallarmé, Artaud, Desnos and Diderot, among others. He received, among others, the First Essay Award from the National Endowment for the Arts in 2007 and 2012, the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2004 and the Second National Poetry Prize in 2019.

How to Cite

Mattoni, S. (2021). Las aventuras de la crítica. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1-6.