Friendship and thinking. Tribute to Leonor Arfuch

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Eva Alberione


In this affectionate article, Eva Alberione reflects on the impact of the work and legacy of Leonor Arfuch, who was her director, teacher and friend until her death in October 2021. Following her imprint, she does so by taking up theoretical and (auto)biographical aspects, weaving fragments of their shared life and texts, inhabiting that biographical space that she so lucidly knew how to describe. We can thus discover in the text her concerns and intellectual interests, but we can also look into her daily activities and her unique way of understanding the production of knowledge.


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How to Cite
Alberione, E. (2022). Friendship and thinking. Tribute to Leonor Arfuch. Heterotopías, 5(10), 195-212.
Author Biography

Eva Alberione, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Eva Alberione has a degree in Social Communication and a Master in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the National University of Córdoba (UNC). She is currently completing her PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), where she is researching the contemporary narratives of Argentine and Southern Cone exiled children. Leonor Arfuch guided and directed her work for five years. She teaches at the Faculty of Social Communication (FCC-UNC) and participates in the project Formar "Espacio público y vida en común: reflexiones teóricas, problemas situados" at the Centro de Investigaciones en Filosofía y Humanidades (CIFFyH-UNC), under the direction of Dr. Daniel Saur.

She has published book chapters and articles in scientific journals and coordinated round tables on exile and second generation in successive editions of the International Seminar on Memory Policies organized by the Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti (CCMHC), as well as in several international meetings on exile in the region. Her topics of interest include the Argentine political exile of the 1970s -particularly the second generation-, contemporary exile narratives and the relationship between artistic practices, subjectivities and memories, as well as the crossover between digital media, narratives, communication and education.


How to Cite

Alberione, E. (2022). Friendship and thinking. Tribute to Leonor Arfuch. Heterotopías, 5(10), 195-212.


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