Imagining Hydrcommons Cultures: Interdisciplinary Research and Curatorial Practices Between Rivers

Main Article Content

Lisa Blackmore


This article confronts the problems affecting the contemporary hydrosphere by proposing the global need to fairer, more empathic and sustainable water cultures. The objectives of the text are: 1. Theorize the hydrocommons as a conceptual framework for curatorial practices that can contribute to this task by creating public platforms that depart from artistic practices, interdisciplinary research, and engagement activities; 2. Demonstrate through curatorial projects by the international network entre—ríos how these principles have informed artist residencies and collaborative processes. The methodology comprises a discussion of “liquid ecologies” (Blackmore & Gómez, 2020) as a critical tool to think the entanglements of bodies of water with diverse historical and contemporary forms of ecological degradation, socioenvironmental conflicts and cognitive injustice. Next, it proposes the “hydrocommons” as a term capable of coining and imagining more conscientious and empathic dynamics and ways of relating through water, through an assemblage of multidisciplinary perspectives that sociopolitical, epistemological, legal, and aesthetic dimensions to this emergent critical-imaginative a language. The second part of the article explains how the curatorial hypotheses of entre—ríos emerged out of my research into “hydropower” and the hydrocommons, the curatorial turn toward ecological agendas, and artist residency projects I organised at the University of Essex. Finally, the article describes two collaborative curatorial projects by entre—ríos to detail in situ and digital dynamics activated to instigate critical and sensory connections to the problematics shaping bodies of water in Latin America. The article closes with a brief overview of the conceptual cornerstones of hydrocommons cultures and a reflection on challenges facing this emerging field.


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How to Cite
Blackmore, L. (2022). Imagining Hydrcommons Cultures: Interdisciplinary Research and Curatorial Practices Between Rivers. Heterotopías, 5(10), 43-72.
Author Biography

Lisa Blackmore, University of Essex

Lisa Blackmore is Associate Professor of Art History and Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Essex, UK, where she also directs the postgraduate program in Environment, Society and Culture. She works at the intersections of creative practices and academic research, combining writing about the arts, ecology and memory, with curatorial and audiovisual projects. Since 2018, she leads the international research-creation network, entre-rios - a project that starts from artistic practices to create platforms for fieldwork, interdisciplinary research, curatorship, public programs, and publications. She obtained her PhD in Latin American Cultural Studies from Birkbeck College in 2011, and then taught at universities in Venezuela and the UK. From 2014-17, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the project "Modernity and Landscape in Latin America: Politics, Aesthetics, Ecology" at the University of Zurich. She is the author of Spectacular Modernity: Dictatorship, Space and Visuality in Venezuela 1948-1958 (2017) and co-director of the documentary Después de Trujillo (2016). She is co-editor of Downward Spiral: El Helicoide's Descent from Mall to Prison (2017), Natura: Environmental Aesthetics After Landscape (2018), The Politics of Culture in the Chávez Era (2019), Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art (2020), among others. For 2023, she received the British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, a grant for the project "Imagining the Hydrocommon: Water, Art and Infrastructure in Latin America".


How to Cite

Blackmore, L. (2022). Imagining Hydrcommons Cultures: Interdisciplinary Research and Curatorial Practices Between Rivers. Heterotopías, 5(10), 43-72.


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