Territorial flows and forms of community. Two short films and a fluvial expedition in the Argentina of the Bicentennial

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Sandra Contreras


This article proposes to triangulate the short films Nueva Argirópolis (2010) by Lucrecia Martel and Nómade (2010) by Pablo Trapero together with the Paraná R'angá Scientific-Cultural Expedition (Buenos Aires-Asunción, 2010), as philosophical and artistic essays that, around 2010, and mentioning three foundational moments (1567, 1810, 1850), assemble different temporalities through a montage of spaces: the hypothesis is that the incision of the story in the temporal folds of history implies in the three some ways of experiencing the territory, exposing ways of thinking (of imagining) forms of community. The article proposes to read, on the one hand, the fluvial reinscriptions of Sarmiento’s utopia (in Nueva Argirópolis, Paraná R'angá), and, on the other, the forms of the inaccessible and the non-place (that classic topic of the ethnographic journey) as powerful interventions in the context not only of the Bicentennial but also of the indigenous reemergence in the political and social scene of the last two decades (Nueva Argirópolis, Nómade).


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How to Cite
Contreras, S. (2022). Territorial flows and forms of community. Two short films and a fluvial expedition in the Argentina of the Bicentennial. Heterotopías, 5(10), 73-88. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/39750
Author Biography

Sandra Contreras, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Sandra Contreras (Rosario, 1963) is a Senior Researcher at CONICET, where she currently directs the Institute for Critical Studies in the Humanities (IECH) and is Professor of Argentine Literature I at the National University of Rosario, where she also directs the PhD in Literature and Critical Studies. She published the books Las vueltas de César Aira (Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2002) and En torno al realismo y otros ensayos (Nube Negra Editora, 2018), in addition to numerous articles on problems of realism, story forms and long-running narratives in contemporary Argentine and Latin American fiction. She collaborated in the Historia Crítica de la Literatura Argentina, directed by Noé Jitrik, with chapters on Benito Lynch, Lucio V. Mansilla and Sarmiento. She also edited, with prologue and selection in her charge, El excursionista del planeta. Escritos de viaje, de Lucio V. Mansilla (Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2012), which brings together for the first time a good portion of unknown texts by the author. Since its foundation in 1991 and up to and including 2012, she was one of the directors of Beatriz Viterbo publishing house.

Email: sandracontreras123@gmail.com

How to Cite

Contreras, S. (2022). Territorial flows and forms of community. Two short films and a fluvial expedition in the Argentina of the Bicentennial. Heterotopías, 5(10), 73-88. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/39750


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