An anarchist conjuration. The Benjamin-Bataille meeting and the critique of left-wing progressism

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Andrea Teruel


The article explores the theoretical complicities between the thought of Walter Benjamin and Georges Bataille. Taking as a starting point the anecdote of the Book of Passages, according to which Benjamin would have entrusted this manuscript to the care of Bataille, questions are raised about the possible link between the two thinkers. The relationship that both authors maintained with the leftist political thought of the time and the way in which their revolutionary conceptions distance themselves from orthodox Marxism and dialectical materialism are particularly problematized. In this way, through an analysis of Benjamin's gothic Marxism and Bataille's cursed materialism, an anarchist political trait common to both is noted, which leads to a critique of left-wing progressivism with Soviet roots.


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How to Cite
Teruel, A. (2022). An anarchist conjuration. The Benjamin-Bataille meeting and the critique of left-wing progressism. Heterotopías, 5(10), 279-293.
Author Biography

Andrea Teruel

Andrea Teruel holds a PhD in Philosophy from the FFyH of the UNC, her works deal with contemporary thought. She has published articles and book chapters on different topics such as "La banalidad de lo útil: Apuntes para una vida de perros" (The banality of the useful: Notes for a dog's life). Her approaches refer to human rights, struggles, militancy, inclusions, etc. She has taught and teaches courses and seminars in different universities in the country.


How to Cite

Teruel, A. (2022). An anarchist conjuration. The Benjamin-Bataille meeting and the critique of left-wing progressism. Heterotopías, 5(10), 279-293.


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