Hollowing out movements as a way of life in val flores and marie bardet against the feeling of the world as a catastrophe. Or the intensities of a queer/cuir inter-languaged poetics as a horizon and refuge in the dark.

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Juliana Enrico


Between escaping and hollowing (oneself) out, val flores and marie bardet define a poetics of the south, which in its lesbian feminist queer/cuir interlanguage opens a portal of sensibility and desperate love - both earthly and subtle - against the hostility of the world. In this becoming they alter zones of life (skin, body, language, flesh, sexuality, gender, writing, night), that resist in the face of the fatal condition of surviving with the heart in shattered, agonized pieces. The intensity of this movement manages to give a twist that breaks the oppressive heart of reality (Capitalocene, Patriarchy, Cisheterosexism), through fugitive and at the same time introspective gestures, all very deep, immersive and radically rupturist of the Western carno-phallogocentric canon (Derrida, 2010) that imposes our daily paths and senses.
In this text we will introduce a reading of some of their recent writings, with special focus on a small fanzine written in the middle of the pandemic, edited and published precariously (or "domestically") in a printed version of four bifacial sheets with color covers: Modos del ahuecar/se (bardet y flores, 2021).
In dialogue with the interventions of both, we will try to reflect on "the fever of a gesture" (flores, 2019) and the “claroscuridad” (bardet, 2021) that insists on interrupting any hegemonic way of becoming a body through a disembodied language (without history and without wounds), by means of affirming, text upon text, certain untamed languages crossed by lacerations and scars, but also by an abysmal pleasure and jouissance, which revitalize the skin as a sexual / textual organ. Ars disidentis (flores, 2016) or ars erotica,2 that inscribes its deviation by setting itself on fire.


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How to Cite
Enrico, J. (2023). Hollowing out movements as a way of life in val flores and marie bardet against the feeling of the world as a catastrophe. Or the intensities of a queer/cuir inter-languaged poetics as a horizon and refuge in the dark. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-18. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41651
Author Biography

Juliana Enrico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. CONICET

She has a degree in Social Communication with orientation in Cultural, Educational and Scientific Communication (2005) from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the National University of Entre Ríos and a PhD in Educational Sciences (2011) from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba. She attended post-Doctoral studies, as a CONICET fellow and participated in national and international projects in Mexico and Brazil. Today she is an adjunct researcher at CONICET and assistant professor at the School of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba. She is currently researcher in charge of the Consolidar Research Project "Feminisms and critical thinking. Political readings of theories", based at the Center for Advanced Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UNC). Her current research topic at CONICET is entitled: "Transformations in the contemporary Argentine educational-cultural space: articulations between new languages, new policies and new historical subjectivities".

How to Cite

Enrico, J. (2023). Hollowing out movements as a way of life in val flores and marie bardet against the feeling of the world as a catastrophe. Or the intensities of a queer/cuir inter-languaged poetics as a horizon and refuge in the dark. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-18. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41651


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