Interweaving public space with new forms of democracy from Latin America

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Valeria Bernabei
Cristian Gabriel Terreno


The reflection on a pluralistic, intercultural and transmodern democracy enables the debate to recover the social meaning of public space as a right and for the enjoyment of the entire society. Furthermore, it enables new relationships between the public and the private, but also between professionals and the community in general, considering in turn criteria of complementarity, in a relationship with nature, territory and sustainability. To address these ideas, we focus on the framework of the debate on the proposed ordinance that, in 2022, was managed by the municipality of Córdoba for the regularization of neighborhoods with a closed perimeter, and which according to current regulations should be open. We consider the various discourses deployed by the actors to defend their position through the dispute that occurs between the government and society, but also within each one. Subsequently, we investigate political categories such as universality and the people in relation to public space, glimpsing the capacity for agency that occurs from another that was considered passive and that can assume collective forms. Currently there are approximately 80 neighborhoods with these characteristics within the city. The conflict is established when the public space is subordinated to the antagonism of contingent wills, which is why it is also necessary to attend to the creation of a common sense to develop a more tolerable general will in the face of a different other. Not only from politics, from what is instituted, can the established order be changed, but from society itself. Professionals, based on their specificities, should deploy their skills at the service of negotiations to achieve consensus and guide possible actions for a more inclusive and accessible city for all.


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How to Cite
Bernabei, V., & Terreno, C. G. (2023). Interweaving public space with new forms of democracy from Latin America. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-16.
Author Biographies

Valeria Bernabei, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Arquitecta Magíster en Gestión y Desarrollo Habitacional FAUD-UNC. 

Docente e Investigadora, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño (FAUD) de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) -Argentina. Profesora Asistente dedicación semi-exclusiva de la Cátedra Introducción a la Historia de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo A y Profesora Asistente en la materia electiva: “El proyecto como Investigación”. Actualmente cursa la Licenciatura en Filosofía de la Escuela de Filosofía- Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades en la UNC. Integrante del Proyecto de Investigación SECYT (Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología)- UNC: Tejidos metropolitanos: espacio público y arquitectura en territorios periurbanos. Lectura de formas y modos de producción de extensiones urbanas desde el enfoque de calidad sustentable en la Región Metropolitana de Córdoba (1990-2020). 


Cristian Gabriel Terreno, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Architect and M.A. in Environmental Management of Urban Development (FAUD/UNC) and GIS specialist (Univ. Intern.. Andalucía). PhD candidate in Urban Regional Studies in a binational program (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Bauhaus Universität Weimar). Instructor and Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design of the National University of Córdoba (FAUD-UNC). Full Professor of the degree in the Chair Introduction to the History of Architecture and Urbanism A and Adjunct Professor in the Chair of Theory and Methods A. Professor in the Postgraduate course on Geographic Information System and Smart Cities. Teacher and Researcher at Blas Pascal University. Associate Professor Design Theory and Urban Theory. Research member of the Liliana Rainis Human Environment Institute and of the Córdoba Urban Observatory. (FAUD/UNC). Director of the SECYT Research Project (Secretary of Science and Technology) - entitled Metropolitan fabrics: public space and architecture in peri-urban territories. Reading of forms and modes of production of urban extensions from the approach of sustainable quality in the Metropolitan Region of Córdoba (1990-2020). Currently representing the FAUD-UNC on the Urban Planning Council of the City of Villa Allende.

How to Cite

Bernabei, V., & Terreno, C. G. (2023). Interweaving public space with new forms of democracy from Latin America. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-16.


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