Memory of a flowing female body

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Acerca de: Monasterolo, Natalia (2023) La fórmula de la mariposa (o ensayo frustrado sobre la menstruación) Córdoba: Borde Perdido

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How to Cite
Memory of a flowing female body. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-7.
Author Biography

Candelaria De Olmos

She has a Bachelor's degree in Letters, a Master's degree in Sociosemiotics and a Doctor of Letters from the National University of Córdoba where she works as a teacher in the chairs of Literary Theory and Semiotics (at the School of Letters) and Discourse Analysis (at the School of Archives). She has carried out research on Argentine literature, cinema and personal archives. She has published articles on these topics in specialized magazines in the country and abroad, as well as in popular magazines. She is the author of the books: Filloy in three times. Correspondence around Balumba (Alción, 2006), Montes i Bradley, Juan Filloy's friend. Correspondence (2016), Juan Filloy. Loose Papers (2017), (the last two in collaboration) and The Fox, the Cicada and the Monkey. Three fables to read by Juan Filloy (2020). Since 2016 she has directed the Filloy Collection of UniRío, the publishing house of the National University of Río Cuarto. His first fiction book, Irremediable, appeared in 2022 with the Vacamuerta Ediciones label. She is currently writing a biography of Manuel Mujica Lainez in collaboration with Federico Alcala Riff and with a scholarship from the National Fund for the Arts.

How to Cite

Memory of a flowing female body. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-7.