Biosemiotics from the border: Ana Camblong’s attempting investigation.

Main Article Content

Antonella Dujmovic


Acerca de: Camblong, A. (2023). Aguante templado. Ensayos procurantes (1era ed.). Alción Editora.

Article Details

How to Cite
Biosemiotics from the border: Ana Camblong’s attempting investigation. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-7.
Author Biography

Antonella Dujmovic, UNaM-CONICET

She is a Professor and holds a Bachelor's degree in Literature by the National University of Misiones. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Semiotics at the National University of Córdoba with a CONICET doctoral scholarship. She was part of the editorial team of La Rivada. Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales (UNaM) and participated in research groups on contemporary argentine literature. Currently, she is conducting research on the configurations of the chinesque in the New Argentine Narrative.

How to Cite

Biosemiotics from the border: Ana Camblong’s attempting investigation. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-7.