The image of architecture as a cultural practice

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Valeria Soledad Guerra Martínez


In our essay, we focus on the problem of the image, rescuing its aesthetic and political character. We wonder about the possibility of making architectural criticism viable by placing the image at the center of the scene and paying special attention to the social level. In this direction we maintain that the image, in addition to an aesthetic category, is an interesting critical device from which it is viable to build/constitute a reader and skillful co-producer of the project. This is where our invitation arises to reflect on the image of architecture or about architecture as an image, from which we also ask ourselves about the role of the reader as co-producer of the project.

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How to Cite
The image of architecture as a cultural practice. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-17.
Author Biography

Valeria Soledad Guerra Martínez, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Architect (2000) Doctor in architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design/National University of Córdoba (2020) Argentina.

Postdoctoral career Centers for Advanced Studies/Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences UNC (2022/2023), approved.

Current Professor of Morphology I A and Architecture I B at FAUD/UNC and Morphology 1 in Interior Design / Provincial University of Córdoba, Argentina.

He pursues undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field of art, a field with which he maintains a relationship of permanent production and updating from theoretical research and practice of painting and collage.

Taking his doctoral research as a starting point, he travels and conducts interviews in different parts of Latin America with renowned artists and thinkers from the region.

She participates as a speaker and commentator in different academic-scientific, undergraduate and postgraduate meetings such as the Docasur Network (Doctoral Network of Public Universities in South America).

Supervises master's and doctoral theses. Within the framework of Secyt/FAUD/UNC he directs research teams in which he investigates with his peers the specifics of the art-architecture complex. Currently he is also exploring the field of image and technology in the design practices of arts and design.

He is part of the evaluation committee of editorials, as well as university extension projects (UNC). He writes and publishes essays on topics related to his training and teaching performance, designs covers for artists' books, as well as publishes academic texts in indexed magazines. In his doctoral thesis Project research and allegorical strategies. Connections between recent art and architecture as a cultural practice (2020) art, architecture and culture come together, focusing on Latin American soil. Some of his texts: Conceptual architecture. Connections between the analytical turn of recent art and project research; Architecture and transdiscipline. Allegory and montage in project research; The political image as a strategy of resistance.

How to Cite

The image of architecture as a cultural practice. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-17.


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