A Law of Our Own: Gender Relations and Subversion of the Literary in the poetics of Mariela Gouiric

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Guadalupe Maradei


The article proposes an analysis that is part of an investigation into the poetics of the Bahian writer Mariela Gouiric. It focuses on possible readings that are attentive to gender relations and the modes of subversion of the literary of one of her poems “Law 26485”, written in 2011 and later included in the collection of poems A method of the world, published in 2016 and recently republished. (Blatt & Ríos, 2023).

Article Details

How to Cite
A Law of Our Own: Gender Relations and Subversion of the Literary in the poetics of Mariela Gouiric. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-14. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/45393
Author Biography

Guadalupe Maradei, Universidad de Buenos Aires- CONICET

Guadalupe Maradei has a Ph.D in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires. She works as an Associate Researcher at CONICET and an undergraduate and graduate university professor. She specializes in literary theory and criticism with gender perspectives. She published the books Parra Virgen (2012), Histories of Literature: Sieges from the South (2018) and Contenders around the Canon: The Stories of Post-Dictatorship Argentine Literature (2020). She coordinates, together with María Celia Vázquez, the Survey of Argentine literary criticism and, together with Nora Domínguez and Josefina Itoiz, the Transitory Glossary of concepts of the feminist history of Argentine literature.

How to Cite

A Law of Our Own: Gender Relations and Subversion of the Literary in the poetics of Mariela Gouiric. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-14. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/45393


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