Styles, tones and affects: reflections on contemporaneity in Aurora Venturini, Hebe Uhart and Ariana Harwicz

Main Article Content

Carolina Rossini


The present works aims to analyze the narratives of Aurora Venturini, Hebe Uhart and Ariana Harwicz as contemporary authors whose styles, tones and affective configurations mark a turning point in literature written by women in the 21st century. From the perspective of gender studies and affect theory, we will seek to reflect on the traits, tones and gestures that make authors participate in the contemporary literary field: the audibility frameworks that value certain affective tones and guarantee public visibility in the recent times, as well as the way in which the styles and tones prioritized by the authors confront traditional narrative structures and social, cultural and gender mandates. These reading operations referring to the narratives of Argentine authors lead to reflection on the political intervention of contemporary feminist literary criticism.

Article Details

How to Cite
Styles, tones and affects: reflections on contemporaneity in Aurora Venturini, Hebe Uhart and Ariana Harwicz. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-22.
Author Biography

Carolina Rossini, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Carolina Rossini obtained a Bachelor's degree in Literature in 2018 and a Teacher's degree in Secondary and Higher Education in Literature in 2021 from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Buenos Aires.

In 2022, she began her PhD in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Buenos Aires. In April 2023, she was awarded a doctoral scholarship co-funded by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council and the National University of Hurlingham.

Her research project is titled "Literature, Genders, and Affections: Critical Intersections in Argentine Culture" and is directed by Guadalupe Maradei. It primarily studies the intersection of literature, genders, and affections in three contemporary Argentine authors: Aurora Venturini, Hebe Uhart, and Ariana Harwicz.

How to Cite

Styles, tones and affects: reflections on contemporaneity in Aurora Venturini, Hebe Uhart and Ariana Harwicz. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-22.


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