Six tragic portraits to decipher the enigmatic relationship between childhood and the production of statehood. Dialogue rehearsal with the play “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare

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Gabriel Emiliano Atelman


This article aims to reflect on the relationship between Childhood, State, and Society in contemporary Latin America. To do this, we take Shakespeare's tragic work "Julius Caesar," written in the 14th century, and construct portraits from dialogues between this literary work and from the field of childhood and feminism. These portraits, which are intrinsically related, intend to dismantle problematic knots around the production of childhood. We understand that the signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child represents an important moment that tensions historical discourses and interventions in this field. From this point, we invite you to explore the reading of the six portraits as a correlate that allows identifying and elaborating reflections on childhood as a historical production situated in different disputes for hegemony. To conclude, we list some reflections in order to open debates and continue studying childhood from a critical reading based on the literary work of William Shakespeare as a contribution to rethinking the social.

Article Details

How to Cite
Six tragic portraits to decipher the enigmatic relationship between childhood and the production of statehood. Dialogue rehearsal with the play “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-16.
Author Biography

Gabriel Emiliano Atelman, InES (CONICET - UNER) Facultad de Trabajo Social - UNER

Doctoral intern at the Institute of Social Studies (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research - National University of Entre Ríos). PhD candidate in Social Sciences at the National University of Entre Ríos. Research focus on early childhood, care, and statehood production. Bachelor's degree in Social Work, graduated from the Faculty of Social Work at the National University of Entre Ríos. Lecturer in Social Work and Everyday Life, and researcher and outreach worker at the Faculty of Social Work of the National University of Entre Ríos.

How to Cite

Six tragic portraits to decipher the enigmatic relationship between childhood and the production of statehood. Dialogue rehearsal with the play “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-16.


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