The impacts

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Cristian Molina


We propose to analyse certain artistic and community practices in the context of fumigated towns in Argentina, with the aim of distinguishing their differences with respect to other cultural practices. The methodology employed will therefore be transdisciplinary, as it will not only examine specific cultural practices, but will also relate them to scientific, political and social discourses on the problems they involve. In this sense, we consider that the approach to these cultural practices contributes to making visible a mode of presente art that is differentiated from traditional and modern conceptions of the arts, as well as problematising the merely aestheticist valuation.

Article Details

How to Cite
The impacts. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-19.
Author Biography

Cristian Molina, IECH , UNR/CONICET- CEOL

PHD in Humanities and Arts, mention Literature and Master in Argentine Literature from the National University of Rosario. He is a professor of European Literature II at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, UNR. He is a researcher at CONICET, Director of the Centre for the Study of Other Literatures and Vice-Director of the Institute for Critical Studies and Humanities, and Vice-Director of Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts. He has worked as editor of academic publications. He has been curator of the International Poetry Festival of Rosario (2021) and General Coordinator of the same in 2022. He has published the book Relatos de Mercado. Literatura y mercado en el Cono Sur (1990-2008) and numerous articles and book chapters on the relationship between Argentine literature and other literatures. He has collaborated as a literature reviewer in various media. He has also written the fiction books: Blog (2012), Lu Ciana (2013), Wachi book (2014), Un pequeño mundo enfermo (2014), Machos de Campo (2017) and Sus bellos ojos que tanto odiaré (2017), Poesía Molotov (2020) and La Juanita (2021).

How to Cite

The impacts. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-19.


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