Life in Córdoba. Notes on an exhumed archive

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Gabriela Milone


In 2022, on the occasion of the centenary of the publication of César Vallejo's book "Trilce," the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the UNC initiated the project for the digitization of the Aula Vallejo magazine, a magazine directed by Juan Larrea during his years of teaching at said institution. This project simultaneously unearthed related archives: the file and a case opened against Professor Larrea due to his confrontation with part of the university student body at the time, who accused Larrea of "stripping Vallejo of Marxism." This proposal is a first approach to these materials, an attempt to listen to those exhumed voices. Because if the essence of the archive lies in its void —as asserted by Didi-Huberman— we must position ourselves in that cavern of resonance of times where students and teachers —with Vallejo as their banner— imagined and disputed new worlds to come.

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How to Cite
Life in Córdoba. Notes on an exhumed archive . (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-9.
Author Biography

Gabriela Milone, Instituto de Humanidades - CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Ph.D. and Bachelor of Arts in Literature from National University of Córdoba. Teacher at UNC and researcher at CONICET. Since 2012, she has been directing research projects and programs endorsed and subsidized by various organizations. In specialized institutions and media with national and international reach, she has conducted seminars and published articles and books on her specific research line: the materiality of voice in poetic writings and contemporary philosophy. Among her most relevant publications are the following books: Ficciones fónicas. Materia, paisajes e insistencias de la voz (essay, Mímesis, 2022); Luz de labio. Ensayos de habla poética (essay, Portaculturas, 2015); Pensamiento filosófico y experiencias religiosas en la poesía argentina contemporánea (doctoral thesis,, UNC, 2014); Héctor Viel Temperley. El cuerpo en la experiencia de Dios (essay, Ferreyra editor, 2003); no diario (poetry, Prebanda, 2021); escribir no importa (poetry, Hemisferio Derecho, 2016) y Las hijas de la higuera (poetry, Alción, 2007).

How to Cite

Life in Córdoba. Notes on an exhumed archive . (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-9.


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