La mirada endorecida: El dorado, una heterotopía Aurofictions

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Marcela Cecilia Marín


El dorado permeates the borders between fiction, myth, imagination and history and encompasses multiple modes of existence that turn our gazes golden. Dazzled by the enjoyment of reflections, they project (and return) forms of value and greed that feed the blind belief in infinite accumulation and extractivism, without considering the ways of life or the possibility of counting the inhabitants that make up each golden heterotopia and feel their existence affected. Marín and Méndez invite us to think about what is El Dorado? How many El Dorados exist and existed in different geographical coordinates, but with similar ways of life? We know that El dorado functions as a colonial operative, but how many times have we stopped to think about the materiality and the agents involved in this history and in its perception? what does desire do in the acting potentialities of El dorado, what does gold, its brightness, the golden, the reflections, the sun, what does courage do, what do the dead do (ecocides, terricides, epistemicides, genocides)? How do the blood in the earth, the interrupted inheritances, the mineral offerings to the gods, what does the language do, what does the malinche do, how do these agents (among many others) participate in the territorial continuity of El dorado? These issues, among others, accompany the various articles that make up the dossier.


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How to Cite
Marín, M. C., & Méndez, P. J. (2024). La mirada endorecida: El dorado, una heterotopía: Aurofictions. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-7.
Author Biographies

Marcela Cecilia Marín, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Literary proofreader, Graduate in Modern Letters and Doctor of Letters (FFYH-UNC). She has been a doctoral fellow (2012-2017) and postdoctoral fellow (2018-2021) Conicet. She is currently an assistant professor in the Theories of Social Discourses II chair, School of Letters, FFYH-UNC. Since 2020, she has been studying the Master's Degree in Contemporary Latin American Aesthetics at UNDAV and, since 2022, she is completing a Filo-UBA postdoctoral degree entitled Human and non-human resistance to mega-mining extractivism. She has directed a research project based at CEPIA-FA-UNC called Geoaffections: intertwined spellings, human translations (periods 2021-2022/2023-2024). Within the framework of this project, together with the work team, he obtained the group creation grant from the National Fund for the Arts (2023 call). Currently, he directs an Estimular line research project based at CIFFYH-UNC called Geonarrations: figurations with copper threads that has a SECYT subsidy (period 2024-2025)


Pablo Julián Méndez

Pablo Julián Méndez (Buenos Aires 1988). Contemporary artist, independent researcher, exhibition curator, teacher, lecturer and translator. His artistic trajectory led him to be a resident at the Académie des Beaux Arts at La Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris) during the period 2023-2024, while developing a residency at the National Museum of Natural History of France. In 2022, he participated in the latest edition of documenta (documenta quince) in collaboration with the collective Lumbung and the artist La Intermundial Holobiente (Argentina). He has received grants from institutions such as the Fondo Nacional de las Artes (Argentina), the Fondo Metropolitano de las Artes y las Ciencias (Buenos Aires), Mecenazgos Culturales, CREA (Matadero, Madrid), the creation grant of the Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento (BIM, Buenos Aires), among others.

Since 2010, she has been involved in personal and collective projects. In 2015, she obtained her diploma from the National School of Photography of Arles with honors for her research thesis. She has participated in several exhibitions, including Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie d'Arles (Arles, 2015), Les Brasseurs Art Contemporain (Liège, 2015-2016), FRAC-PACA (Marseille, 2015-2016), Casa Nacional del Bicentenario (Buenos Aires, 2016), Stocq 72 (Brussels, 2016), Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires, 2019), Puertas Abiertas (Matadero, Madrid, 2021), Simbiología. Artistic Practices on a Planet in Emergencies (Centro Cultural Kirchner, Argentina, 2021-2022), Campamento Temporario (Investigaciones de Futuro, Buenos Aires, 2022) and documenta quince (Kassel, Germany, 2022), among others.

His training acknowledges several people who allowed him to work, introducing him to new ways of thinking, collaborating, understanding, feeling and growing as an artist and researcher. These people include Valeria González, Gonzalo Aguilar, Vinciane Despret, Thibault de Meyer, Anne Lise Dauphine Morer, Guadalupe Miles, Dalila Puzzovio and Claudia Fontes, among others.

How to Cite

Marín, M. C., & Méndez, P. J. (2024). La mirada endorecida: El dorado, una heterotopía: Aurofictions. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-7.


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