El Dorado myth: the potency of the audiovisual archive to think the contemporaneity

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Catalina Devesa
Constanza Emilia Maldonado
Micaela Sol Urrutia González


The following paper seeks to investigate El Dorado myth and its resonances in different areas. At first, we present its origins and a brief historicization of its emergence to analyze how the myth has been functional to colonizing and later capitalist projects. In relation to this, we analyze a corpus of statements extracted from the Emilia Pardo Bazán’s chronicle “La leyenda de la codicia. Una expedición al Dorado” (1982) to think about the construction of the myth and the colonial perspective on America. Within the same corpus, we insert the statement “el litio es el nuevo Dorado”, extracted from a news article from Página 12 (2023) to think about the resonances of the myth today and its problems. In this way, we analyze El Dorado in its audiovisual archive dimension in order to reflect on its powers to hacer-decir and hacer-ver. Next, we reflect on the surviving remains in the archive and analyze how El Dorado is represented in the artistic exhibition of the Fundación Proa (2023) and how it dialogues with the corpus of statements. Finally, we risk our own reading and try to give an answer to the question: What are the potencies of El Dorado myth as an audiovisual archive to think about contemporaneity?


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How to Cite
Devesa, C., Maldonado, C. E., & Urrutia González, M. S. (2024). El Dorado myth: the potency of the audiovisual archive to think the contemporaneity. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-15. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/47521
Author Biographies

Catalina Devesa, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

I was born in Esquel, province of Chubut. In 2020 I moved to the city of Córdoba to begin my studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the National University of Córdoba. In this institution I graduated as a Technician in Literary Correction, and I continue my studies in the careers of Professor and Bachelor in Modern Letters.

I am currently finishing my degree in Critical Discourse Analysis, where I found a particular interest in the new materialities and posthumanist issues, especially on issues of climate change and environmental issues such as deforestation and burning of forests, and mega-mining. There I would like to analyze how memory, the trace and the trace of things in contact with their environment come into play.

As a student I work in two assistantships, firstly, in the subject Sociology of Discourse, and secondly in Theory of Social Discourse I, both third year subjects. In addition, I volunteered for the Career Showcase in 2022 and 2023, and this year I volunteered for the Book Fair, an extension activity.

This is my first publication.

Constanza Emilia Maldonado, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

I was born in Río Cuarto. I am a literary proofreading technician from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC, and a student of Teaching and Bachelor's Degree in Modern Literature at the same institution. I am currently in the process of finishing both degrees, with the goal of completing the Teaching Practice and Residency Workshop in 2025. Also, I have the project to start writing my undergraduate work with specialization in Discourses, working with some theoretical-hermeneutic notions of Deleuze and Guattari, in particular with what is proposed in “Kafka. For a minor literature”. Throughout my time at the university I have worked as a student assistant in different professorships. Between 2021 and 2022 I was part of the chair of Classical Greek and Latin Literature. I have been a student assistant in the Admission Course to Letters since 2023, and this year I joined the Hermeneutics course as a student assistant. Also, during my time at the School of Philosophy and Humanities, I worked as a tutor in two virtual workshops in preparation for final exams, within the framework of the Network of Student Assistants of Classical Letters and Classical and Humanities. in the framework of the Network of Classical and Modern Literature Student Assistants (2021) Modern Letters (2021). Consequently, I was a fellow of the PAMEG Program. I have participated in different reading activities, both poetic and theatrical works, proposed by different chairs of the career. I was a volunteer in the extension project “Conversatorios en Línea: Estudiar en la UNC”, within the framework of the Compromiso Social Estudiantil (2021); and I have been a volunteer for more than four years in the Muestras de Carreras proposed by the UNC. This is my first publication.

Micaela Sol Urrutia González, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

I was born in Plottier, province of Neuquén. I studied Literature for two years at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, and then I transferred to the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. I am a literary correction technician and teacher of modern literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC, and a student of the Bachelor's Degree in Modern Literature at the same institution.

I am currently taking subjects of the Discourse Analysis orientation of the Bachelor's Degree in Modern Letters, and I would like to do my thesis with topics related to secondary education. In addition, I am a high school teacher in a private school in the city of Córdoba.

I was a student assistant for the Admission Course to Letters during the 2023 and 2024 courses. I worked as a volunteer in the 2024 Career Showcase. I am interested in education and proofreading.

This is my first publication.

How to Cite

Devesa, C., Maldonado, C. E., & Urrutia González, M. S. (2024). El Dorado myth: the potency of the audiovisual archive to think the contemporaneity. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-15. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/47521


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