Objects that do things: the objects in the convivial arts from the vibrant matter theory

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Guadalupe Garione


This work seeks to share some thoughts and analysis about Edipo R. (2007) and El silencio (2022), artworks of the convivial arts —Theatre of Objects and contemporary dance respectively— from the theory of Jane Bennett in Vibrant Matter (2022). Because of the importance of objects in the staging and the creative process of each play, it is proposed that in both of them a search for working together can be identified, which is caused by the humans’ acknowledgment of the importance of said objects in the artistic creation and the perspective from which they are thinking about the bond that is built with them. From the idea that in the convivial arts there is a connection between the human and the non-human that disarms the subject-object dichotomy that the New Materialisms question, this article explores the way that objects can be thought and read in these artworks taking in consideration the words of the human artists that connect with them and the artistic context where they exist.


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How to Cite
Garione, G. (2024). Objects that do things: the objects in the convivial arts from the vibrant matter theory. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-17. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/47542
Author Biography

Guadalupe Garione, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Guadalupe Garione (Córdoba, Argentina, 1999) is a graduate of Letras Modernas and a Literary Editor, from the Philosophy and Humanities Faculty, National Córdoba University. Currently, she studies the relations between the human and the nonhuman in convivial arts. She performs these analyzes from the theory of Jane Bennett in Vibrant Matter (2022).

How to Cite

Garione, G. (2024). Objects that do things: the objects in the convivial arts from the vibrant matter theory. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-17. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/47542


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Garione, G. (2023a). Entrevista inédita a Luciano Delprato.

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