The feminine: a policy for hysteria


  • Eduardo Suarez Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana Secc. La Plata – Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.


feminine jouissance, hysteria, phallic, demeanour, psychoanalysis


This paper aims to punctuate a first exploration on the development of the output of the subject of hysterical discourse, in Lacan´s teach; the one that will give him the basis for the writing of the formulas of sexuation. In deed, Lacan,  at the end of his discourses theory, in his eighteen seminar, in the early seventies, initiate the inquiry that will leed him, a few years later, to establish his famous formulas. Set out the broad lines of his teaching, especially by Jaques-Alain Miller in his courses of The Lacanian Orientation, it is of great interest to review in it those details and reflections that accompany the passages from one period to another, also with the clinical references in which it rests.


Brousse, M-H. (18/02/2000), “Qu’est-ce qu’une femme?”. Rencontres du Pont Freudien. Maison de la culture cote des

neiges. Montreal.

Freud, S. (1937 [1980]), “Análisis terminable e interminable”. En Obras Completas. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.

Lacan, J. (1971 [2009]), “De un discurso que no fuera del semblante”. En El Seminario de Jaques Lacan. Libro 18. Buenos

Aires: Paidós.

Miller, J-A. (1998), “Los signos del goce” en Los cursos psicoanalíticos de Jaques-Alain Miller. Buenos Aires: Paidós.






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