History of the journal

The Journal of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cordoba (FCM) of the National University of Cordoba was founded in 1943 on the initiative of Dr. F. Gonzalez Alvarez, who was the first director, then Dean Dr. Leon Morra.
The spirit in which it was created was broad, since at the time it constituted the mirror in which the daily activity of the FCM was reflected; resolutions, notifications, council meetings, teaching activities, among others, were published. However, its priority objective was to reflect the scientific activity that was published in original articles, revisions and any knowledge that was considered important for the FCM. The profile of the journal was to ensure the quality of its publications and not the quantity. It was registered with the ISSN: 0014-6722 to its paper version.

Until 2012 the magazine was published in paper format. Since 2007, the magazine also began to be published in digital format and in 2008 the website was created.

In 1999 Prof. Dr. Hugo Cejas was the Director of the RFCM; he proposes a new cover model with images of pathological anatomy.

In 2009, by Resol. Dean the RFCM was incorporated to the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the FCM, a new commission was formed with professionals from different disciplines of the health area of Cordoba and a new Editorial Committee integrated by professionals from different regions of the country and abroad. Four issues a year of 500 printed copies each were published; two annual supplements and a person responsible for the RFCM website was assigned.

In 2010 the RFCM already complied with the standards established by the Argentine Center for Scientific and Technological Information (CAYCYT) and registered with the ISSN: 1853-0605.

In 2015 the RFCM by Resol. N° 0117/16 of CONICET, was incorporated to the Basic Nucleus of Argentine Scientific Journals.

In 2016, the Open Journal System began to be used as an integrated platform that facilitated the editorial process. The RFCM was incorporated to the Portal of Magazines of the National University of Córdoba. In order to achieve greater visibility, a positioning stage began to comply with the evaluation requirements for indexing in important databases.

In 2017, new professionals of recognized national and international trajectory in the area of health and information were incorporated to the Editorial Committee and the body of reviewers of the RFCM.

In 2018, it was awarded DOI 10.31053 for being one of the journals that make up the Basic Nucleus of the CAICYT - CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research) Portal of Scientific and Technical Publications of the Argentine Republic.

In 2019, the journal updated the OJS version to 3.1.4.

As of 2021 the journal became part of the Pubmed Central repository.