Persistence in drug therapy of hypertension among different treatment groups and comparison between fixed-dose combinations of ara ii + calcium channel blockers vs ace inhibitors + calcium channel blockers


  • Gabriel Darío Waisman
  • Leonardo Guillermo Garfi
  • Gustavo Hernán Izbizky
  • Juan José Tortellá



High blood pressure (HBP) is a prevalent and chronic disease, requiring pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic sustainable treatment to achieve control. "Persistence" is the continuity of pharmacological treatments. Knowing the persistence of antihypertensive therapy groups could help prioritize those with better results. The aim is to describe the persistence to antihypertensive therapy in a cohort of patients using different methods and compare the persistence of different pharmacological groups used for hypertension treatment.
Materials and Methods
Observational, retrospective cohort using secondary databases obtained during drug dispensing and electronic hospital records from the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Adult population with diagnosed hypertension and monitoring for two years.
Diuretics, beta-blockers and first generation of angiotensin converting enzyme are the groups with the largest fall in persistence. Angiotensin antagonists in monotherapy or in combination with beta-blockers and diuretic second generation showed the best results of persistence. Persistence never reached 60% at 2 years.
Despite having measure persistence through different methods the results were similar and showed low persistence to antihypertensive therapy. We found no pharmacological extra variables that could explain the persistence in different therapeutic groups.


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How to Cite

Persistence in drug therapy of hypertension among different treatment groups and comparison between fixed-dose combinations of ara ii + calcium channel blockers vs ace inhibitors + calcium channel blockers. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];69(4):202-1. Available from: