Calcifying epitelial odontogenic tumor: case report
odontogenic, tumors, skin, neoplasmAbstract
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) was described by Pindborg in 1955. It constitutes 1-2% of all odontogenic tumors, is slow growing and locally aggressive. It occurs commonly between the 4th and 5th decade without prevalence by sex, at the level of the molar-premolar area of the jaw, often associated with an unexplored tooth.
Our purpose is to communicate a rare odontogenic neoplasm, describe its clinical and morphological characteristics, mention its variants and define its biological behavior.
Our case corresponded to a 46-year-old woman with a tumor in the maxillary molar area of a year of evolution. Multiple fragments of 0.4 to 1 cm were received, soft, accompanied by two dental pieces. The optical microscope showed nests of polyhedral epithelial cells with variable nuclear morphology, without mitosis, accompanied by amyloid-type material with frequent dystrophic calcification. The findings were linked to calcifying odontogenic epithelial tumor. Considering histology and its classical behavior, a conservative resection was performed.
Before a mandibular tumor that manifests itself as a non-painful mass of slow growth, and which radiologically is uni or multilocular radiolucent, similar to a dentigerous cyst, we must take into account the diagnosis of CEOT and its variants. It is usually a tumor of slow growth and locally aggressive, but cases with malignant transformation and mestastatic spread have been reported. It should be distinguished from ameloblastoma, since CEOT has a better prognosis
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