Clinical epidemiological study of xerostomia in elderly totally edentulous


  • Jorge J Pescio Cátedra de Prostodoncia III B. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Pabellón Argentina - Ciudad Universitaria


xerostomia, sensation of dry mouth, older subjects, factors


Introduction.- Because of an increasing number of older people in our community presenting with a variable decrease of salivary flow which affects their quality of life, we aimed to analyze the prevalence of salivary decrease and xerostomia in relation to various causing factors. Purpose.-The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of a decrease of normal salivary secretion and xerostomia in relation to various factors in the older population of our community. Material and method.- One hundred mvi twenty-six edentulous male and female suhjects older than 50 years (62.41 8,24) were entered . A chart was specially designed for this study where both local ami general predisposing factors were recorded. The results were statistically analyzed.(P'z0,05) Results.- 40,5% of the subjects had xerostomia. The number of cases increased with age and was larger among women belng clifferences statistically significant in womeri aged 60-69 years. 34,9% appeared to be in good health, 65,1% suffered from one or more systemic diseases, while 53,3% used medication daily (2,4 +/- 1,10 daily drugs). Discusslon.- There were significant differences when scarce salivary flow and a feeling of oral dryness were assoeiated with health problems and the use of medication The study showed that oid age is a major factor in the decrease of salivary secretion and xerostomia, and that women are usually more affected. Conclusions.- Xerostomía may be attributed to various causes. It is not considered a disease but a clinical manifestation of oral dryness with or without hyposalivation. Once the disorder has heen identified, health professionals shouldjoin to design a suitable treatment planning.


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Clinical epidemiological study of xerostomia in elderly totally edentulous. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 26];63(2):6-12. Available from:

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