Fetal and early trauma syndrome - FETS


  • Gastón A Zoroastro Servicio de Psicopatología. Hospital Nacional de Clínicas "Dr. Pedro Bella" Fcultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


new persistent personality disorders


This is a new clinical description for cases of children whose parents are among those who have disappeared and were given hirth by women held prisoners and subjected to torture, humiliation and abuses. This description is considered a special case of early, and in many cases fetal distress. These children felt horror when they were violently separated from their parents immediately after being born in captivity. or in early infancy during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983). Afterwards they were soid by their captors and raised as adoptive or as their own children hy the purchasers. The fact that these cases he included in the existing WHO categories contained in CJE- 10: Postlraumatic stress disorder, F43. 1, is discussed as they show late responses on the part of the victims to situations of torture, terrorism and rape. However, It is clarified that cases in which the aftereffects of severe stress become evident after decades will have to be classificcl as Persistent persona/uy disorders, af(er ca tasi rophic experience. F62.0. It is conclucied that It is necessary to consicler FETS as a new combination of manifestations of the Persistent Personality Disorders due to its specific idiosyncratic ch aracteristics that go beyond the available clinical descriptions, to its own etiophatic equation and to its recognizable pathognonionic identification. Jts pathognomonic identification in sorne cases was useful to cletect children with these alienated identity problems (understood as legaily neglected and clinically alienated). Propedeutic and treatment aspects are mentioned in conjunction with the peculiarilies of a therapy that restores the iliegaily cicprivecl personality of these children. who nowadays are adults of approxirnately 25 to 29 years of age. F'iriallyy, a rnetapsychologic discussion is presented, which is about the resiliencc of the truth and the fact that whcn it is rejected it returns, thus constituting ethics of the truth.


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AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYQUIATRY. Practice Guideline for de Treatment of Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorders. Volunie 161, Number 11, Novembcr 2004.

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How to Cite

Fetal and early trauma syndrome - FETS. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];63(1):11-7. Available from: https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/26821

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