Breast cancer. Current use of the extra-pleural exploration of the internal mammary chain


  • René A Del Castillo
  • Néstor C Garello
  • Emilio Kuschnir
  • Ricardo Castro





The interest to know the lnternal Marnmary Chain (IMC) Involvement is that it is a  lyrnphatic filter as primary as the axilla. Anatomic-surgical fundamcnts, were presented for   thcir exploration .Fifty (50) pectus-sternal, analizing the number of nodes (average 9,7 per  pecirnen), located preferably in the three first intercostals spaces, were studied. In the  second phase IMC with a staging criterion and extrapleural way, resecting 1 or 2 costal  cartilages, were explored. In 78 patients, pathological-anatomy correlation between IMC  and the axilla, we observed 6% positive IMC with negative axilla. More recently in the era  of the sentinel node, we have explored IMC in 44 patients through intercostal spaces and  without cartilages resection. lo 28 patients we performed through radioisotopic way and gamma probe and in the remaining 16, through anatomic search !f the tumor was either  upper mid or lower. The most frequent spaces explored were in the 2- and 3: 2.27 nodes  average per patient. The pathological-anatomy between IMC and the axilla revealed the  foliowing results: axilla (-) IM (-): 59%; axilla (+) MI (-): 25%; axilla (+) IM (+): 11% and  axilla (-)IM (+): 5%. Wc concluded that this is a non - aggressivc method, with an  exccllent tolerance that aliows the evaluation of another filter as primary as the axilla aoci that together they represent the hest systemic disease prognostics. We believe that its  exploration is justified in those cases in which the histological result , correlated with the axilla, aliows a therapeutic approach change.


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How to Cite

Breast cancer. Current use of the extra-pleural exploration of the internal mammary chain. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];62(2):14-23. Available from: