Current status of the hormone therapy during the menopausal transition ans post-menopausa


  • Pedro R Figueroa Casas





Starting from prospectivc clinical stuclics that have evaluated its benefits and risks, hormotie replacement therapy in rnenopause wornen has been reassessecl in its indications  in the last four years. In October, 2004 a Latinarnerican Experts Consensus was carried out,  such report with sorne modifications is presented in this publication. The conclusions the  experts reached were the foliowing: 1) Hormone Therapy is the goid standard for the  control of moderate to severe vasomotor symptorns; 2) this therapy mut be inclicated in an individual manner and only in syrnptomatic women in which the henefit is greater than the  risk; 3) the Ieast effective dose rnust be used; 4) it rnust he used neither for cardiovascular  prevention, osteoporosis, colon cancer nor for mental disorder; 5) the patient must be  informed about the benefits and risks.



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How to Cite

Current status of the hormone therapy during the menopausal transition ans post-menopausa. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];62(2):32-6. Available from: