Reproductive health today


  • Carlos R López
  • Gladys Ponte





Sexual and Reproductive Health are considered at present as a Human Right that must be  guaranteed by the State. In Argentina sorne Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws have  been sanctioned in order to guarantee this right through programs that bring information, counselling and implementation in the use of contraceptive methods, prevention diagnosis  and treatrnent of sexually transmitted infections and genitomammary pathologies. Many  institutions, including Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, have been incorporated in these  programs. Contraceptive methods have selection entena and indication for its use that are described in this publication, for the purpose to explain inclications, side-effects, advantages and disadvantages of each one of thern; as well as their best usefulness in the  three stages of reproductive life: adolescence, sexual matunity and premenopause. Finally,  the Eligibility Criteria were synthetized for the use of contraceptive methods, performed by the OMS in 1996.


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Programa provincial (le Salud Reproductiva. Gobierno de Mendoza. Ministerio de desarrollo Social y Salud, Subsecretaria de Salud.






Original Papers

How to Cite

Reproductive health today. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];62(2):48-5. Available from:

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