Unión dermoepidermica: una barrera selectiva, compleja y vital
Dernioepidermic junction ( DEJ ) is a highly coniplex region, containing a great variety of cellular elements. which clespite of having different embriogenesis, in teract with each other, generating different substances that keep the function and horneostasis of the greatest organ of the human body. DEJ is regarded as a highlv specialized basal lamina. which acts as a highly selective pathway for the migration of celis and macroniolecules, inducing cellular differentiation and micro envirornental metabolism modifications. DEJ may be divided into three zones regarding the basal lamina 1 -the nearest to epiderniic zone, having tonofilaments and hernidcsmosomes, which keep anchored basal cells. This region is limited by the lamina densa 2 -the intermecliate zonc, represented exelusively by lamina densa and finaily the lamina 3,-the third region - extencis from lamina densa to the upper dermis ant] extracelullar matrix. Despite there is much to learn about DEJ, the knowledgc about each molecule and function of every compartment vill enable us to know more about the pathogenesis of several dermatologic diseases, with a great prevalence in Wc clinical practice.
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