Barriers to continual professional deplovement: a survey to argentians physiotherapist.




education, evidence-based practice, allied health personnel


Objective: to know the difficulties that the Argentinian physiotherapist present to start or keep their continous professional deplovement.

Materials and method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted using an anonymous and virtual survey via Google Forms in the July 2021.

Results: 229 professionals complete the questionary. 157 (68,6%) practice in the province of Cordoba, 19 (8,3%) in Buenos Aires, 11 (4,8%) in Santa Fe and the rest in others provinces. 106 (46,3%) have been working between 1 and 5 years in the profession, 42 (18,3%) between 5 and 9 years, 34 (14,8%) between 10 and 15 years and 47 (20,5%) more tan 15 years. 128 (55,9%) worked in the area of traumatology and orthopaedics, 77 (31,9%) in respiratory. 178 (77,7%) belong to prívate sector, 17 (7,4%) to public sector and 34 (14,8%) to both sectors.

Conclusion: from the total of respodents, the 84,3% stated that they had barriers to their continuous professional deplovement; the 15,7% declared to have no backwards. The main barrier was the personal economy, followed by the perception of cost benefit and the lake of time.


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Author Biography

  • Tobías Micael Ropoz, Groupe Renault

    Licenciado en Kinesiología y Fisioterapia – UNC – FCM – EKYF.


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How to Cite

Barriers to continual professional deplovement: a survey to argentians physiotherapist. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];79(4):363-8. Available from:

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