Sindrome de Poems


  • Rolando Casacov Hospital Provincial Misericordia.
  • Oscar Díaz Moyano Hospital Provincial Misericordia.
  • Mercedes Cassino Hospital Provincial Misericordia.



POEMS' Syndrome in association with multiple myeloma


Poems syndrome :s a rare multisistemic disorder. It manifestations are Polynueropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy,and / 01
Edema. Monoclonal protein and changes in the Skin. (P.O.E.M.S.)
Though some bibliography make no difference with osteoesclerotic mieloma it is considered a real syndrome.
The polynueropathy is customarily severe. Although high levels of inrnullo- globulins has been found in the poems, it has not been isolatcd a specific antibody that explain the polynueropathy even though it is strongly suspected.
The organomegaly, endocrinopathy, changes in the skin and other systems and involved organs could be in relationship to
products secreted by plasmatic celis. Wc review the physiopathology and bibliography of the Poems, especially its neurological expression its nosologic location different from osteosclerotic myeloma and a possible relationship to the Herpes Virus S.
It was crossed in Medline the terms P.O.E.M.S. and syndrome and were obtained 271 abstracts that were all examined and finally
selected the bibliography considerate meaningful for the objectives. It is presented briefly a case.
P.O.E.M.S. is a syndrome that is associated to multiple plasma eclI dyscracia, included the osteoesclerotic myeloma.
Prognosis and the treatment vary with the underlying diseasc. As physiopathology of this syndrome is insinuated the action of the interleukines 1- (IL-1 beta) and 6 (IL-6), the vascular growth endothelial factor (VGEF), the tunioral necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and antibodies anti- nerve.

The P.O.E.M.S. is a syndrome with own Palabras claves: Síndrome de POEMS aso- identity. ciado con mieloma múltiple.
The Herpes Virus 8 may plays a key rol Material y Métodos to uncover the Poems physiopathology.


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Author Biographies

  • Rolando Casacov, Hospital Provincial Misericordia.

    Servicios de Neurología y UTI

  • Oscar Díaz Moyano , Hospital Provincial Misericordia.

    Servicios de Neurología y UTI

  • Mercedes Cassino, Hospital Provincial Misericordia.

    Servicios de Neurología y UTI


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How to Cite

Sindrome de Poems . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];56(2):113-21. Available from:

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