Response of the wheat crop (Triticum Aestivum) to nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in Monte Maíz, Province of Córdoba.


  • N Loste National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Chair of Extensive Crop Production Systems. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • M. A. Langone National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Chair of Extensive Crop Production Systems. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • G. Giambastiani National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Chair of Extensive Crop Production Systems. Córdoba, Argentina.


fertilization, nitrogen, wheat, yield, quality


Nitrogen (N) is the most relevant nutrient for wheat crop productivity. In addition, it can affect the commercial and industrial quality of the grain because it affects the hectolitric weight (PH) and the content of protein and gluten. On the other hand, sometimes sulphur (S) can also be a limiting factor. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the response of the wheat crop to different levels of nitrogen-sulfur fertilization in a lot located in Monte Maíz, Province of Córdoba. The variables analyzed were yield and its components, PH, humid gluten (GH) and protein. Four treatments were performed with different doses of N and S, and one unfertilized control. A greater yield was observed with the increase of the dose, associated to a greater number of grains per unit of surface. The quality of the grain, in relation to the unfertilized control, improved with the increase of the dose: the PH, the protein content and the GH increased from 1 to 4%, from 5 to 10% and from 2 to 6% respectively. The fertilization, in the range used in this trial, allowed to increase the economic result of the crop due to the higher yield and better quality of the obtained grain.


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Reports of results/advances

How to Cite

Response of the wheat crop (Triticum Aestivum) to nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in Monte Maíz, Province of Córdoba. (2019). Nexo Agropecuario, 7(1), 11-15.