Ex situ, circa situ and in situ conservation by the Banco Nacional de Germoplasma de Prosopis, Córdoba, Argentina


  • G. E. Verzino National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Silviculture. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • J. E. Frassoni National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Silviculture. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • M. J. Joseau National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Silviculture. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • G. Clausen National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Silviculture. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • C. Navarro National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Silviculture. Córdoba, Argentina.


storage, living collections, seed producing areas, carob tree


This paper presents a synthesis of the ex situ, circa situ and in situ conservation activity carried out by the National Prosopis Germplasm Bank (BNGP) for 34 years. Among the ex situ conservation actions, the genetic diversity currently stored in the Base Bank, the results of the evaluation of the longevity of the germplasm and the living collections and the field trials installed by the BNGP are made known. Among the circa situ and in situ conservation activities are described the Seed Producing Areas (SPAs) recently certified by INASE in Córdoba, at the request of the BNGP, for the provision of high quality forest seed.


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Reports of results/advances

How to Cite

Ex situ, circa situ and in situ conservation by the Banco Nacional de Germoplasma de Prosopis, Córdoba, Argentina. (2019). Nexo Agropecuario, 7(1), 46-52. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/nexoagro/article/view/26062